College Acceptances

Where are your students accepted?

The short answer: at colleges that are a good fit for them!

While many of my students apply to one or two schools in-state, most of my students have the desire to go out-of-state, no matter which state they call home. Students applying to out-of-state schools, especially public institutions, have unique concerns and considerations when it comes to building a balanced college list, submitting their application strategically, and making the transition to a new part of the country (or world) as well as to college level academics. As someone with 10+ years helping students with educational and cultural transitions, advising students who desire to go out-of-state is my specialty.

The long (but very important) answer:

(TLDR? Scroll to bottom.)

College consultants often publish a long list of all the colleges their students have been accepted. However, sometimes this is misleading.

Just because a former student was accepted to (insert x college here) does not mean that partnering with me will increase your teen's chances of also being accepted there. Not only is each student's academic and extracurricular record different, but you also cannot see and will never know many, many aspects that go into a college's admissions decision. There is no secret 'formula' to follow to be accepted to any institution. 

Many factors in admissions decisions are out of your teen's control but still must be accounted for when analyzing admissions data. Some of these may include:

  • the number of rooms available in campus housing
  • the enrollment goals of the university 
  • the fit of each student to the mission and style of the institution
  • the number of committed athletes that are needed any given year
  • the space in a certain major that is available any given year
  • the number of students who apply from each high school any given year
  • residency status (in-state or out-of-state) of a student
  • the amount of financial aid available and the number of students it can cover
  • This list could go on and on...

My goal is to assist students in submitting their best possible application to colleges that are going to be a great fit for them. For some, that means a small, private liberal arts college. For others, it means a large research institution, and yet others may eventually decide it means a local community college with a plan to transfer in two years. (There is no shame in saving money!) There is no right or wrong way to do college; it is fully unique to each individual student. To show the range of students I have worked with, here’s a tiny sampling of the large variety of 4-year colleges where my students have received acceptances. To see more examples, check out the map.

  • Harvard College
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Michigan (out-of-state)
  • Brown University
  • Whitman College 
  • Villanova University
  • Florida A & M University (HBCU)
  • Amsterdam University College (Int'l)
  • San Diego Christian College
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • New York University, Stern School of Business
  • University of California, Los Angeles (out-of-state)
  • University of Florida (out-of-state)
  • College of Coastal Georgia
  • Purdue University
  • University of Memphis
  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Marquette University

What Parents are Saying:

You have been amazing for my daughter. You helped her narrow down a major and choose colleges and now you’re walking her through turning in applications. It’s so great to have another adult offering my daughter guidance. I know my daughter feels supported and more confident with your help during this intense process. I don’t know how we’d manage without you!

~ A Parent from North Carolina

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